276: Avoiding Burnout at Work | Feeling Burnout | Tanya Dalton Skip to the content
How to avoid burnout at work with Tanya Dalton
November 8, 2022   |   Episode #:

276: Avoiding Burnout at Work

In This Episode:

We often think that we need to find meaning outside of our work. But if we are spending the majority of our day either working for or running a company, doesn’t it make sense to connect our purpose with the work we do? Burnout is a very real, very pervasive feeling in our workforce today. In today’s episode I share that burnout isn’t caused by overwork, it’s caused by not finding meaning in your work. We’ll talk about the two distinct functions of our jobs, how to align your team to work together and I share tips and strategies on how to connect your purpose with the work you do every single day.

Show Transcript:

The Big Idea

When you believe your work matters, it’s easy to be productive.

Questions I Answer

  • How do I get my team aligned?
  • How do I motivate my employees?
  • How do I find meaning in my work?
  • What strategies help create better culture in business?

Actions to Take

  • Think about the WHY behind your company or business –whether you work for someone or you are the business owner, it’s important to understand more than WHAT you do.
  • Then write out your unique gifts and purpose… how does it tie into the company’s why?

Key Moments in the Show

[02:21] Being productive and intentional living

[06:25] The two functions of work

[08:08] How to find meaning in your work

[11:25] Why aligning with your team benefits YOU

[15:17] How you feel about your work affects your kids

[19:31] 4 tips on how to create a culture of purpose at work

[28:32] How you can connect to your company’s why

Resources and Links

Show Transcript

Extraordinary is a choice. Take that in, soak it up because the hustle, grind, repeat mantra that society’s been touting for decades, it added all wrong. I’m Tanya Dalton. I’m a seven figure entrepreneur, bestselling author, speaker, mom, and Rulebreaker. I’m here to help you live to your fullest potential. That’s what this podcast is all about.

The Intentional Advantage is doing life on our own terms, defying the status quo, and seeing ourselves outside of the tidy definitions societies make for us, it’s intentionally choosing to step back away from the chaotic rush of your every days and choosing, choosing to see that it’s your world and it’s filled with opportunities. Let’s challenge the bedrock beliefs that so many have wholeheartedly trusted because we were told they were truths.Let’s have a healthy disregard for the impossible. Let’s choose to be extraordinary. 

Hello, Hello everyone and welcome to the Intentional Advantage. I’m your host, Tanya Dalton. This is episode 276. We are well into our season on talking about purposeful productivity and really when we get to the heart of purposeful productivity, isn’t it really about being Intentional? I like to tell people that I talk about productivity.

Everybody loves that buzzword of productivity. They come in the door, they’re like, Yes, make me more productive. Help me do more things. And I’m like, ummmm, It’s really about Intentional living. That’s what true productivity is. True productivity is being purposeful in our choices, in our actions, in our boundaries, in how we move forward into the world.

And I’m sure you’re already seeing that based on the episodes and the way y’all reacting to them. You know, in episode 275 where we talked about how to organize your to-do list. Yeah, that’s really just prioritizing, right? Or we talked about starting with the end in mind in episode 273. Well, that’s really just creating a long term vision to help you be more productive.

So at the end of the day, it is. I mean, this is why we call the podcast The Intentional Advantage. Being productive is being Intentional about how you move through the world, how you interact with others. And I knew when I started thinking through this season, I knew we had to talk about work. We have to talk about work because I feel like for some people, work feels like a dirty word. It feels like, “Oh, gotta go to work” or, “Oh, work is this thing that we dread and we don’t enjoy.”

Work doesn’t have to be that way at all. You know, there’s actually this trend that I’m sure that you’ve heard of, Quiet, Quitting. It’s been something that’s been building over the past year and is really kind of coming to a head.

It’s one of those things that I wasn’t aware of, but Fox Business actually reached out to me, asked me to do a quote about Quiet Quitting. Then Entrepreneur.com asked me to write an article about Quiet Quitting. And I was like, Okay, we gotta talk about it on the show. 

I’ll put a link to both of those articles, The Fox Business article,where I’m quoted, and the entrepreneur article that I wrote, because I think it’ll help you dive deeper into what we’re going to talk about today. In this episode, we’re going to talk about not just surviving at work, but thriving. You know, if you’re someone who feels like, Ugh, how do I find more meaning in my work? Or how do I get my employees to feel more loyal, to get more excited? How do I get my employees to be more motivated? How do I, how do I get my team aligned? This is what we need to do. We need to be Intentional with our work and how we talk about our work, how we do our work. 

Quiet, quitting is not a solution, and I know it’s one of those things that’s getting a lot of buzz,but if you haven’t heard of Quiet Quitting, let me dive into it really quickly. Quiet. Quitting is not officially quitting your job per se. You’re still physically showing up, you’re getting your paycheck, but you stop going above and beyond at work. You do just the base level expectations for your job. And that might mean, Oh, I don’t respond to emails outside of work hours or not taking on these tasks because this isn’t part of my job.

Right? Which, okay, you might be thinking to yourself, Okay, amazing, I’m going to do that. I really want to dive into this. Because when you Quiet Quit, you’re not winning. And if you are a leader, an entrepreneur, a business owner, a manager of other people, you are definitely absolutely not winning If your team is quiet quitting, right? I 100% believe it is healthy for everyone to find identity outside of work and to create really strong boundaries. You know, I’m a big advocate of that. But the truth is quiet, quitting is a short term solution to a long term problem. And I think that word burnout is one of the things that’s kind of going hand in hand with the Quiet Quitting trend.

Because people are just so burned out. But here’s the thing, burnout isn’t caused by overwork. Burnout’s caused by not finding meaning in your work… not finding that intentionality behind the work you’re doing. If you’re going to a job and you feel like you’re just pressing buttons, you’re just doing the thing, it’s no surprise you’re not feeling satisfied.


And so it might feel easy to simply give up and say, Yes, I’m going to quiet quit. But if you do that, you’re missing the opportunity to flourish and thrive in your existing job. You’re resigning yourself to the fact that, well, I guess you know, work isn’t enjoyable, this is just how life is. Work doesn’t have a purpose and that’s not true at all.

I think it’s so incredible when you can tie your unique gifts, the things that make you incredible, your purpose to the work you’re doing on a regular basis. We spend a lot of our lives at work. Let’s make it Intentional. So I want to dive into that today and let’s talk about this first. There are two sides to work, two very distinct functions.

First one I think we all know and agree with is it’s a place to get money. We get a paycheck, we like making money. It fulfills our desires for material things, but a job work is so much bigger than that. The other side of work, and this is a side I want you to really be thinking about today, is how it helps us fulfill so many positive goals and it gives meaning in our lives. Your work can be a place where you find meaning. If you are settling for focusing on simply one side, the paycheck side, the financial benefits of the work you do, you’re missing the big prize at the bottom of the cereal box because there’s a prize right there waiting for you. Yeah, it can check all the boxes for fulfillment, emotionally, intellectually, and yes, even spiritually. I want you to go back and think about that example I gave back in episode 273 where we were talking about creating visions, starting with the end in mind. We talked about the stone masons and how there were three different stone masons. One was motivated, one was really focused on goals, and one was focused on purpose.

We had the one that said, you know, Oh, I’m doing this to get a paycheck. That was their motivation, right? We had the one that said, Well, I’m just taking a stone and turning it into a block. So that’s the goal focused one. But we had the one stone mason who had a lot of pride, right?

Who said, I am building something so much bigger. I’m building a cathedral, I’m building a castle, I’m building something. That’s purpose, right? And if work is only about the paycheck, then it will always only be about the paycheck. Work is so much more than that. And work is so much more than the what behind what you do. It’s, and I think we get caught up in this, what do you do for a living? That’s like the first question anybody asks us after they meet us, What is it you do? And it’s not what you do, it’s why you do it. That’s how we find meaning in our work.

In my book on purpose in chapter five,I talk about this Yale University study where they met with these janitors, these custodians of hospitals, and they found that their satisfaction for their jobs, for life itself really increased when they saw what they do is not just just cleaning up messes. Not just mopping up vomit or wiping down blood or changing sheets, all, which sounds like not very fun work. But janitors and custodians who saw their work as being an ambassador for the hospital, or being part of the healing process, creating sterile spaces so that healing could actually happen, they begin to see how important their role is. The role of the custodian at your hospital is just as important as the role of the doctor. If you go to the hospital and you have an operation, you have surgery and the the surgeon does an amazing job, but puts you into a room that’s not clean, that’s not sterile, that the custodians haven’t taken the care to really make it a safe space for healing, you’re going to get infections. You’re not going to heal you. You might end up worse off than when you started before the surgery. So we all play an integral role in the work that we put forth into the world.

And I want you to realize how you play a role in the work that you do. Why you do what you do. Because like those janitors, I want you to have more life satisfaction. I want you to wake up and feel excited about being a part of a team. Or if you’re an entrepreneur going out and making the difference in the world with the mission behind your company.

You know, this is one of the things when I’m speaking at events, this is one of my favorite keynote topics, is really this idea of purposeful productivity. Helping to find meaning in your work so that you go to work excited. There’s a lot of value in not just seeing your work as a paycheck, but seeing it as a place where you get fulfillment too.

And yes, your company has a why and you have a why as well. When we connect those two, your company’s why and your own personal why, it’s incredibly powerful. You know, we’ve talked in the past about your blast radius, even this season, earlier this season in episode 2 72 where we talked about productivity with purpose. We talked about this idea that every single one of us has the ability to affect the lives of 80,000 people.

And if you don’t remember that, go back and listen to that episode. Because when you realize that you have this amazing ability to really influence others in your world, I mean, talk about powerful, right? But here’s the thing. You have the ability to affect and impact 80,000 people. The person next to you on your team, they have the power to impact 80,000 people,

The person down the hall from you. They have the ability to affect and impact 80,000 people. Do you see how this compounds and grows? Shared purpose allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results. And that’s what happens when we come together. Whether it’s you as the leader, as the manager, as the entrepreneur, the business owner, getting your team aligned.

So everyone’s blast radius is working together. Or whether you’re working for somebody else, whether in a corporation or at a a small business or a Fortune 500 company. Every single one of us that blast Radius has the ability to grow even bigger. I mean, when we get down to it, don’t we want our work to matter? I don’t think any of us get up in the morning and go, Gosh, I can’t wait to go press the buttons I get to go press today. There are days where it does feel like we’re pressing buttons, but if we find the meaning in our work, doesn’t that make us happier, more satisfied, more successful? We talk all the time about that feeling when you slip into bed at night, when your head hits the pillow, feeling satisfied with the work you’re creating, understanding how you play a role in the much bigger picture that’s a part of that. We want our work to have meaning. And this is the thing, you know, you have a purpose. 

You have amazing, unique gifts and so many incredible things about you. When that collides, this amazingness that makes you you,when that collides with the work we do, when they overlap, that’s when the magic happens. That’s when that blast radius, it just multiplies exponentially. And that’s what I want you to really be thinking about when we’re talking about work. It doesn’t just have to be the place that you go from, you know, eight to five or nine to four or whenever you go to work.

It can be so much more than that. And it can help you find a lot of that satisfaction that we’re talking about when we talk about purposeful productivity. You know what happens is we get in this vicious cycle of, you know, feeling stressed because we need to get more done because let’s be honest, we’re not prioritizing. But you feel like you have 5 million things you have to get done.

And that leads to us feeling not productive, Not productive there in my air quotes that you can’t see. But that’s what happens. And then we feel not productive and then we’re not getting enough done because we’re stressing about it. Then that makes us less productive. And we get into this cycle. It just continues to be this never ending loop, which is why we go to bed and we think, Ugh, why didn’t I get more done? Or I didn’t do anything today, right? Or I did, I should have done these things.

In the pursuit of doing more, we actually feel less productive because productivity isn’t about doing more, it’s doing what’s most important. If you’ve listened to me for any time, if you’ve read any of my books,you know that’s how I define productivity. It’s doing what’s most important. So I want to shift that cycle. Instead of having this never ending loop of stress and feeling like you’re not enough, feeling unworthy, let’s switch that and let’s really start to see that the value of our work. Because when we see the value of our work that transforms us. When you believe that your work matters,then we feel productive. Then we go to bed and we’re like, Ahhh, today was amazing. And the truth is, it’s not just when your head hits the pillow. It affects every aspect of your life. When you see that the work you do makes a difference. 

One of my very favorite studies is from the Graduate School of social work, which found that a child’s sense of well being– their feelings about how their world works– is affected less by the long hours that their parents work and more by the mood their parents are in when they come home. So it’s not about the fact that, oh, I work late, so my kids are unhappy. It’s really, what’s the mood you’re coming home to,right? What are you bringing in the door? What’s your energy like? People who feel like their work matters, they go home and they feel good, they feel damn good. You know why? Because their work matters. And that bleeds into every aspect of their life. If you feel successful and you feel like you’re making a difference, yeah, you’re more patient with your kids,

You’re more loving to your significant other, You’re making bigger contributions to the world around you, your work matters. And I want you to soak that in. I want you to understand that your work matters and that changes everything. I know you’ve heard me talk about that study because it is definitely one of my favorites because I think we get caught up again in the numbers. How long are the hours I’m working? How much am I working? And really, it’s all about how you feel about your work that affects your children, It affects your, your relationships with other people, It affects your friends, it affects everything. So here’s what I want to do. I want to look at work in two different ways, because as with everything,there’s multiple perspectives. I want to spend some time looking at how do we find meaning in our work, How do we build this sense of, or a culture of purpose, right? I want to spend some time looking at this from an employee standpoint, which is the standpoint that a lot of people are in. Almost everyone is in. If you work for somebody else,whether it’s a corporation or a small business, I want to look at it from that perspective. But I also want to look at it as the manager or the business owner, or the leader or the entrepreneur. Some people who are listening to this right now, some of you fall into both groups, right? Maybe you’re working for someone, you’re working for a company or a corporation and you have a boss or a manager.

But you’re also managing others on your team, whether it’s your department or your company or anything else. So I want to dive into both of those aspects here in just a minute, because I want to give you you some tools because I want you to start finding meaning in your work. All right? Let’s do that in just one second after this quick mid episode break.

In today’s episode, we’re talking about finding meaning in our work. And the place where I find so much meaning in my own work is through speaking. I absolutely love speaking to companies and corporations and organizations and associations. And this topic we’re actually talking about today is one of my favorite keynotes that I offer because I think it is so important for all of us to find the meaning in our works and in our jobs.

So if you are someone who has speakers come into your company, if you are working for a company where you have events and you have, you know, sometimes gatherings where you bring in keynote speakers, I would love for you to pass along my name to your HR manager or your director of curriculum and education or whoever that is in your company. First of all, when I go to these events, I bring a hundred percent. So it’s a great opportunity to get to meet with you in person, but I also love to give the tools and the ideas to shift the way organizations work. So go to TanyaDalton.com/speaking to get more information about having me come and speak at your company, your organization, your association, or whatever group you’re a part of where you want to help everyone find more meaning in their work. Go to TanyaDalton.com/speaking. 

All right, I want to get back into that idea of finding meaning in our work. And I want to look, as I mentioned before, the mid episode break, I want to look at it from two different perspectives. I want to start by looking at this as a manager or a leader or an entrepreneur. So somebody who has a team underneath them,right? Who they report to you. I think it is incredibly important to create a culture of purpose for your company or your business. I think that is one of the most important things we do as a leader in our organization. This is one of the reasons why I talk about this in on my entrepreneur article, Why Fox Business asked me to talk about this.

Because it’s incredibly important to get everybody on your team aligned and excited, motivated. That’s how we build the momentum. Because if burnout isn’t caused by overwork, but by not finding meaning in your work, which is what we talked about earlier, if that’s what causes burnout, we as the leaders need to make the connection for our team as the leader. You’re the one who helps them see,

oh, this is what the company is doing and here’s how I fit in, here’s how I contribute, this is how I add value. This is how I am really an amazing, effective person on this team. What we want to do is we want to want to create alignment, right? You’ve probably heard me talk in the past about, you know, that whole idea of people talk about getting everybody on the bus, get everybody on the bus, get your team on the bus so we can all go the same way. If it’s a bus, you’re doing all the driving, everybody else is just sitting in their passengers. This is about getting everybody in the row boat, turning the oars at the same time, pulling them back, moving in that same direction. That’s what purpose does.

It creates alignment, which then creates loyalty. It creates employee retention, right? I mean, honestly, at the end of the day, we are looking for productive team members who prioritize the right work. People who have their work that’s aligned with the company’s mission, the values, the goals that you have set the strategy that’s in place for the company.

We don’t want people who just fill their calendar with busy work. And there are people who do that, who like to just fill up their calendar and check a bunch of boxes off, right? We want people who are prioritizing the right work. And I think that word prioritizing, that’s our key word here. We want to make sure everybody is pulling the oars of the boat in the same direction.

So my question for you, as the leader, whether that’s as a business owner or a manager or whatever position you have, how are you making sure that everyone’s prioritizing? A lot of times we just are making assumptions. Well, I assume they’re all doing the same things, not necessarily the same things, but rowing in the same direction. 

One of the most powerful things I started doing years ago was Monday momentum meetings. And there’s a whole strategy for the Monday momentum meetings. Maybe I’ll shoot a video walking you through how all of that works at some point. But for the sake of today’s show, I want to focus in on one aspect of the Monday momentum meeting. That was a total game changer for me.

And that was prioritizing was the main focus of that entire meeting. It’s a short meeting, by the way, because I’m not a big advocate of a lot of meetings. It’s a short meeting. But here’s what I do. I communicate as the leader what the priorities are. I remind them, first of all, of our purpose why we’re doing the work we’re doing during this meeting.

And then I talk about what the priorities are from leadership, from my point of view, from zooming out and getting the big picture. Here’s what we’re prioritizing. And then we go around and each person says the three things, just three, the three things they are prioritizing this week. What we’re doing during this, this meeting is, first of all, we’re communicating our priorities. A lot of times we feel like, well, I’ve told them the priorities at the beginning of the quarter and we never revisit them, which is one of the biggest mistakes. We cannot over-communicate our priorities. So we’re first of all communicating the priorities and then we’re checking in. Are they prioritizing what I think they need to be prioritizing?

Are they also putting forth the same things that I believe as the leader need to happen? This is how alignment happens. Because you’re listening for the three things they’re doing. They’re top three. And if they’re not aligned, you can say, Oh, let’s change this. I want you to focus in on these things. It’s so eye-opening because so often our team members, they don’t know what to prioritize because you haven’t made it clear to them. And that’s really the goal behind having a Monday momentum meeting. So that’s my first thing, Get your team aligned. That little quick tip with the Monday momentum meeting, that can be done even on Slack or you know, through some other channel that you have online where everyone just checks in and has their top three priorities for the week. It doesn’t have to happen in person, especially if you have a lot of people working remotely, but just doing this one small thing. Game changer. 

Okay, my next tip is to revisit KPIs. Key performance indicators or K KPIs a lot of times are set when you hire somebody and that’s part of their job responsibilities and they never get revisited. And here’s the thing, if you feel like, gosh, there are some rumblings of some Quiet Quitting that’s happening in my business or with my team, I feel like people are checked out, that’s a sure sign that it’s time to revisit job roles. You know, if your employees at a point where they’re putting in the bare minimum, it means their inspiration, their motivation is it’s at an all time low.

So the best way to revive that motivation and to get some great buy-in is to initiate the conversation about their roles and responsibilities. Yes, you want to have those set when they step into a role, but while they’re in that role, the company is evolving and changing and shifting. The culture around us is shifting and growing and changing. So we need to make sure that we’re going back from time to time.

Doing a really good KPI review is, that’s an amazing task to set up as an automation, right? Schedule it for yourself twice a year. And here’s the thing I would, I would put a little bit of that responsibility on the team members. Ask them what they believe their KPI should be and have them bring them to your next one-on-one meeting. And then you can take their suggestions, tweak them, adjust them as needed. But when you revise your KPIs and you do this together as a team, you and the team member under you, researchers call this job crafting. And when people are job crafting, when they’re an act of participant in what their role looks like, researchers have found they have a much greater sense of purpose and value and importance.

So revisit KPIs. Really easy to do, especially if you put some of that responsibility on them. My next tip is to build trust through delegation. Hey, nobody wants to be micromanaged I, and I don’t want to do any of the micromanaging, because that feels like it’s going to take up way too much of my time. So if you are micromanaging or you’re feeling like you’re having to, that’s pulling you out of your zone of genius. When we don’t trust our teams to do the work that we’ve assigned them, that can feel really draining, that can make them feel like they are just a button pusher and not really making an impact. So really recognizing that when you’re doing delegation, and we have many episodes where I’ve talked about this idea of delegation and what that really looks like.

I’ll put some links in the show notes, of course. But when we go through and we truly delegate, not abdicate, but we delegate, we start with explaining to our team member why this job that you’re assigning them is important. How it ties in with the bigger picture, making that connection gets them to buy in and to get even more excited.

Okay? So that’s another way. So that’s, that’s three ways we talked about creating alignment with those Monday momentum meetings, revisiting KPIs and maybe changing things up. And then I want you to build trust through delegation. I’ve got another one, but for the sake of timing with today’s show, I’m going to do a video about changing up your review process. And I can tell you, when I made this one small tweak with my review process, so much shifted and it opened up purpose for my team members and it really got them to buy in even more. So I’m going to do a video on that. I’ll put that in the show notes once that video is live. If you’re on my email list, I will send you a link to that video as well.

But how you can shake up the review process, it’s really, really easy to do and it will totally make a difference with how your team members see how they fit in, how they provide meaning in the work that they do. Okay, so there you go. There’s a couple of ideas to get you started. 

Now I want to talk about it from the employee standpoint,but to be honest with you, I kind of tricked you a little bit. It was my ideas for you as an employee are pretty close to being the same as if you’re a manager. The only catch is this, You need to open up the conversation. You need to get that conversation started. You know, I’m all about boundaries. You know that because we’ve had, I don’t know how many episodes about boundaries, but there’s a lot. If you’re working in a position that doesn’t seem to allow boundaries, that’s usually a really good sign that it’s time to redefine your position. So you need to go through and talk about your job roles, your KPIs. You need to talk about, Hey, what do I need to prioritize each week?

Get your manager or your boss. Some of us have managers and bosses that aren’t great. I mean, they’re humans, so some are amazing, some are okay and well, some are terrible. So get that conversation going. To me, honestly, quiet, quitting isn’t asserting your boundaries. Yeah, in a really passive way. I don’t want you to passively assert your boundaries.

I want you to be proactive with how you approach your work, how you approach your life and communication. Really clear conversations about expectations, redefining your roles, setting your boundaries. That’s what’s going to open all of this up for you. And that’s what’s going to allow you to really find more meaning in your work. So all those things I talked about for the managers, whether it’s having the Monday momentum meeting, you can ask to have a meeting with your boss or just to check in so you can make sure that you’re prioritizing the right way. Here’s the thing, when a team member says to me, Hey, I want to make sure I’m prioritizing the right things, that to me is like, oh, amazing. I can see that they are wanting to do their best work and that encourages me revisiting the KPIs.

You can bring ideas to your boss. Hey, I’d like to talk about, as we’ve made these shifts, really redefining some of the metrics we’re looking at for my job or really looking at my job description and making some adjustments as as we’ve changed priorities as a company, right? When they’re delegating, ask them, Hey, how does this fit into the bigger picture?

All of those things I talked about there, all of it applies for you, right? It’s just, it’s a little bit more difficult when you’re the one starting the conversation and I get that. But a good boss, a good manager, an effective leader, they want you to start the conversation. A lot of times they’re so busy looking at all the different moving parts, they forget to start the conversation. So take a little bit of that on yourself to just get the conversation going. You know, as a productivity expert, I am all about making your life easier, making it more enjoyable. And yes, quiet, quitting might feel like it’s very liberating because it’s like, yes, I’m a starting boundaries, but it’s actually limiting your professional growth, it’s limiting your opportunities, and I want you to find that meaning in your work. 

I want you to go to bed and feel incredible and amazing because your work does have meaning. So I hope the today’s show gives you some ideas to really start diving into this culture of purpose, of really figuring out how do I find meaning in my work? How do I align my purpose with my job?

How do I, how do I feel better about the work I do? How do I get more motivated? All of those questions you have, that’s what we answered here today, because it starts with finding meaning. Burnout isn’t caused by overwork, it’s not having too much on your plate, it’s not having a lot of things to do. It’s really in finding the meaning.

It’s when you don’t see that connection. So start making that connection. And if you’re in a position of leadership where you can help others make that connection, you’re going to see the effects of that, not just in how your business grows and the revenue and the bottom line of the roi. You’re going to see it in the lives of your employees who are going to be more satisfied, more successful, and more, more excited about coming into work every day. So I want you to thrive at work. Don’t just survive. Don’t just punch the clock and show up to work every day. Show up and find meaning. All right? That’s what I want you to get outta today’s show. All right? If you enjoyed today’s episode, if you found that helpful in really finding meaning in your work,

I would love for you to snap a screenshot of this, Send it to your friends. If you know somebody who’s struggling at work or who always complains about what’s happening at their job, send this to them. They need to hear this message. We all want to find meaning in our work. We all want to do work that matters. And this is a fabulous way too, to support the podcast and to get the word out so that more people are living with the Intentional Advantage. That’s really what I want to have happen. So another great way to support the podcast, Leave a review. I would love to hear from you. How did you feel about this episode? Send me a note at hello at TanyaDalton.com. And listen,

if you really want me to come in and make some changes and shift the way that your business works, whether you’re an employee or you’re the one leading it, having me come to your association or organization or your company really does get everybody where their, their mindset is transformed and you’re all rowing the boat in the same direction. And that’s one of the things I love to do.

So TanyaDalton.com/speaking is the way to connect with me and to learn more about my speaking. As we close out today’s show, Here’s what I’d love for you to do. Here’s an action item for you. Just take one or two minutes and I want you to think about what fires you up about work. What gets you excited? What gets you to want to jump out of bed?

Why do you do the work that you do? And how does that tie in with the bigger why behind the company? Create some alignment. Start asking those questions because when you find meaning in your work and when you as the leader create a culture of purpose, that’s when you’ve got the Intentional Advantage.

Thanks so much for joining me today. Quick question though, before you go. Do you like prizes? When you leave a rating and review of the Intentional Advantage podcast, you’ll be entered to win my life changing course, multiplying your time. Simply leave the review and then send me an email at hello TanyaDalton.com with a screenshot. I choose one winner at the end of every month. So go ahead, do it right now.

Just a quick comment with what you loved about this episode or the show in general and a rating and send it our way. Not going to lie, buy stars is my favorite, but I’d love to hear what you think of the show. And if that’s not enough of an incentive for you to win the Multiplying Your Time course, I have to tell you, reviews are the number one thing that supports this podcast and me. It’s the best way to spread the word and get business tips and strategies to all those other women out there who need it. So there you go. Two great reasons for you to go and leave a review right now. So go ahead and do it. Send that screenshot my way because I want to give you a free course.

And thanks again for listening today. I’ll be back Tuesday and I’ll plan to see you then.


**The Intentional Advantage is  the best productivity podcast for women. The transcript for this episode is created by AI, so please excuse any typos, misspellings and grammar mistakes.


Tanya Dalton is a female motivational speaker. Her keynote talks focus on time management, productivity, habits, goals and finding balance.